Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Tis' The Season... To Rejoice
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Thanksgiving 2006
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Holidays Are Here!
- God - My rock, joy, peace, savior, closest friend
- Family - I would rather have all of my family than any riches
- Church - I love my church. God has put me in the most wonderful church
Now more specifically this year I've had certain things to think on. For instance...
- How short our time is here on this earth
- How in need I am of my family
- I have the "two year itch" bug here at my job
- How busy my life is... too busy
Now, come the end of December, I will be posting my 2007 goals... and one of them for sure will be about how busy I am... But right now I have things to be thankful for, blessings that are easily over looked because my mind is clouded with a to do list.
This week is my brothers wedding, and I already know that my mind will be and is working a hundred miles an hour. But one thing for sure, we will be with family all weekend. It will be a Thanksgiving celebration.
I know I am just rambling but these are truly my thoughts this time of the year. I count myself blessed, especially with all the preperation for this wedding. You see a different side of people and how things pull together. I am bessed.
Happy Thanksgiving!
the bee
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Ladder to Heaven
I found this picture that kind of depicts the saying above. A man climbing a ladder into the heavens for a chat.
the bee
Monday, November 13, 2006
Training Day
Today, I was a trainer and trained a trainee. Confused? Me too.
We hired a new receptionist here at my job and I am training her and not to excited about it. haha. Who is excited about going over things that you have past and would like to leave in the past.
I am tired and ready to go home and just surf the net and rest, but I have more wedding preparation to handle. Such as the Bachelorette party. As a bridesmaid I am on the "bach duty", so that's where I will be, shopping for the "girls night out!".
Tomorrow I will again be in the marathon of time and training at the same time.
Man, I should lose like 50 mind pounds for today's excursions!
the bee
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Wedding Preperations
Friday, November 10, 2006
Scrapbooking. Stamps. Inks. Hole Punchers. Paper.
Ah, paper. I love paper. Working with paper, cutting it.
Recently I have indulged myself with buying scrapbook supplies that have not gotten very much use... Not that I do not want to, I just cant find the time. I think it ran off when it thought it was being abused.
I have only made one scrapbook with all these new beautiful supplies. It was for my sister-in-laws birthday and it turned out great for a beginner. My next project will be for my brothers wedding, but after that it is all about me. Yes, my favorite things. I was thinking of some favorite things I want list and came up with the below...
- Favorite reading material
- Favorite place
- Favorite people
- Favorite food
- Favorite Vacation Spot
- Favorite store
- Favorite memory
- Favorite birthday...
The list could go on and on...
Now all I need to do is find the time... maybe it will come back... maybe I can lure it with some caffeine? No, no... time is not easily lured... I will just have to do with what I have and maybe I will have some pictures posted on here soon that show an ALL ABOUT ME scrapbook in progress.
the bee
Greatest Women
She gives and gives and gives and rarely gets in return.
She is the foundation of our family.
Beyond what I can say in words my mother is.
She is godly meaning - She has great reverence for God
She is giving
- To put temporarily at the disposal of
- To endure the loss of; sacrifice
- To perform for an audience - she does this unknowingly =)
She is loving - Exhibits love
She is Intelligent - Showing sound judgment and rationality
She has eagle eyes that sparkle when she's angry
Always in control of a situation, unless it has to do with the missing phone
My mother stills "takes" care of me. Watches out for me.
A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie - This is my mother.
The bee
I read somewhere that when people hear the word worry they connect it to someone else and not to themselves.
What exactly does it mean to worry?
To worry is to furtively plan for possible future contingencies, most of which are not likely to take place.
The old King James rendered it as "take thought for the morrow". At its essence,
to worry means to be caught up in the cares of this world
I read in a commentary that when we worry we accuse God of ignorance...
The NKJ it says:
Matt 6:8 (NKJ) "...Your Father knows the things you have
need of..."
Luke 12:30 (NKJ) "...Your Father knows that you need these
So in other words, when we worry we accuse God. We say that either He lied or He doesn't know what is best for us.
This statement is simple but says it all - If we really knew God then we would not worry.
That's my pep talk for myself...
Cast your cares upon Him because He cares for you!
the bee
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Hum Drums of Work....
Ten thoughts running through my head at this moment....
- Why have I never blogged before?
- Getting a lesson together for my 8 & 9 year olds at SCWC
- How much work is sitting on my desk
- How hot my office is right now!
- Why did Garth Brooks make an album under another name?? (listening to his album now)
- Why my co-worker quit for a better paying job!
- I wish I can stop everything and surf the blogs
- I am hungry
- Thirsty
- How great the movie "The Lake House" was.
CAN WE SAY RANDOM. Yes these are my thoughts.... No wonder I am bored here at work!
the bee
My Mr. Darcy
One of the best stories ever written was Pride and Prejudice. ( don't worry, this whole blog is not about Jane Austen).
The movie Pride and Prejudice was remade into a TV movie in the 90's and it is one of my all time favorite movies.
One specific fetish is Mr. Darcy himself. Yes, My Mr. Darcy.
Mr. Darcy: She is tolerable, I suppose, but not handsome enough to tempt me.
Elizabeth Bennet: I am determined that nothing but the deepest love could ever induce me into matrimony.
Mr. Darcy: I shall conquer this, I shall.
Mrs. Bennet: You have no compassion for my poor nerves.
Mr. Darcy: In vain have I struggled, it will not do. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.
Mrs. Bennet: You don't know what I suffer.
Elizabeth Bennet: It came on so slowly I hardly know... but I believe I must date it from the time I first saw his wonderful grounds at Pemberley.
Okay, so they didn't have that conversation... but wasn't that fun!
the bee