Friday, May 01, 2009

Fabulous Friday - Candy

Danielle at That's Just Fabulous is starting a new Friday themed post...

I signed up to join and let you all in on my choice for FABULOUS CANDY. Okay so truth be told, I am not a big candy person. I prefer chocolate. BUT there is one candy that I just can't help but eat.
As a little girl, I used to eat these like crazy while my lips and tounge turned red and I begged for water. As a young teenager, I would rub the candy on my lips to make them turn red; the things you resort to when you have pale lips and can't wear lipstick! Beyond all that, they tasted so good.

If you want to join in this Fabulous Candy Friday, click on the button above.


Danielle Moss said...

Impressive. Especially since you dared to try these as a little girl.

I'd die if I had one of those. ;)

Thanks for playing along.

Becky said...

Oh, my word...I did the same things! The lipstick! Too funny!

I spent my allowance on the Costco sized containers of these as a kid. They were such a hot commodity when I was in 5th grade, that I could sell them at school for a quarter and made a pretty good profit! (We also sold toothpicks soaked in Cinnamon oil we got from the health food store.)

Yes, I guess you could say I was a dealer. An atomic fireball and cinnamon toothpick dealer.

My, what a seedy past.