Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Morning of September 11, 2001

I can vividly remember the morning that the planes hit on September 11, 2001. I was eighteen, fresh out of high school and enjoying the fact that I could sleep in, for a short time at least.

The phone rang before everyone was out the door to work, the unbelievable had happened. I remember overwhelming fear and helplessness. I didn't want anyone in my family to leave the house. I thought that things were going to go downhill from that point on.

My mom took us to the church to be with other church family that were shaken up. Business evacuated and closed for the day as we all watched the mystery unfold. That evening we stood with our neighbors and lit candles for those lost.

Life really had changed, but we revolved with it. Do you remember what was different before the morning of September 11th?

Today wives, husbands, mothers, fathers, children, friends and collegues remember their loved ones and those that they spent day after day with. Forever gone from them.

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