Thursday, November 20, 2008

You Are Not Alone

Searching and looking for answers, comfort and peace has been my main goal these past few days. God's peace will overflow on me at certain times throughout the day. He takes away all the fear and anxiety and helps me to remember that everything is okay.

Last night my dad taught about courage. Do you need courage? I sure do. The enemy of courage is fear. Did you know that we can suffer real and imagined fear? I think I have the biggest imagination on the face of this earth, you might be thinking the same thing about yourself. Fear torments and cripples you.

A lot of times we have fear of the unknown. I am fearful of the unknown. It's hard to remember that the unknown to us is not unknown to God. If you've placed your life in His hands it shouldn't matter.

At this time in this trial, I feel so alone at times. I want to lean on someone that I can see and feel, physically. I have to continually remind myself that I am not alone, God is there. When it comes down to it, in this life, it's really just me and Him. No one else can save me, He is the only one.

I am encouraged and get strength by those in my life, my Pastor's wife is a gem and she's helped me to make some sense of things. My sisters and mother have been those that I lean on when I can. Don't be afraid to let someone else help bear your burden! Talking about it will not make it worse, it will make it better! My Pastor's wife reminded me that there is strength in numbers!

My sister sent me this incredible passage that has now come to life to me. This incredible, loving, God I serve is so wonderful.

Psalm 103
He is kind
He forgives our sins
He heals us
He protects us
He provides for us strength for each day
He brings justice
He shows us how great He is
He is merciful
His love never fails
He is not always angry
He doesn't punish us as we deserve
His love is greater than the distance between heaven and earth
He removes our sins far from us, as far as the East to the West
He is kind as a parent
He knows how fragile we are
He keeps his promises
He rules over His creation

Be strong and of a good courage! Remember, you are not alone!


Becky said...

Sooo true!

Hang in there friend, God IS in control!

The Daily Bee said...

Thank you, Becky!

Shauna said...

Deb, what a beautiful poem! I am praying for you friend. If you want an extra ear, I'm here!