Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Good Changes

I've got good news to share! But first... here is the back story.

I've been wringing my hands with decisons concerning my job for... well... 2 years. I am a total chicken when it comes to asking for things from my boss. I just never know how he will react. I will be with this company for five years come November.

When I first started working with this family owned business, I was hired after my sister recommended me for the position of receptionist/clerk. I was twenty-one and very wet behind the ears. Not sure how to do much of anything in the office world since I had only worked for myself previously, owning a small business when I was nineteen. I thought I was a pretty good boss and didn't demand too much of myself. ;)

In the office, it was just me and my sister and the husband and wife boss team with a couple guys that were in and out. We had tons of benefits that come with small business; good relationships with our employers and we got to spend time together. Okay, so that wasn't always the best part since having your baby sister underfoot all the time was not easy and for me, having the big sister overhead all the time was not a thrill. But, we really enjoyed those days when we would eat lunch together in my sister's office and chat about nothing of importance.

As the months went on, the business began booming and we hired a receptionist. Things picked up more and more and now we have four girls in office besides me and several guys in and out of the office. All over the course of 4 1/2 years. Seriously, only due to the blessings of God. I am 100% sure of it.

Our office is split into three departments. My boss' handle one each and I handle the other. My department is 50% of the business and it's overflowing with work right now. God? I think so.

Anyway, I finally got up the nerve to discuss a much needed raise, and it was granted. Come to find out, my boss was already working on getting me one... God was already on the move while I was fretting over it.

Good changes!!!


Becky said...

Yay! Our Abba takes such good care of us.

Shauna said...

Isn't it great that He goes before us? What an awesome blessing and showering of His love and care.