Monday, November 19, 2007

Thanksgiving Dinner

This is going to be a very busy week... or maybe I should say it's been very busy.
We had our Thanksgiving Dinner for our church family on Thursday. I did not get one scrap of turkey or ham or any other kind of food. Our church has grown so much that we can't fit in our multi-purpose room. I showed up late and got stuck with the kids. I say stuck because there were dozens of hungry kids from 2 to 11 in one room.
This actually brings me to another thought... My church is in the process of purchasing a massive facility. We would have thousand and thousands of grounds to use! I am beyond excited and once I can get some pictures up I will. This building is huge with tons of classrooms for the kids and a pre-school, a huge sanctuary and a chapel. It's beautiful and I can't wait to show you.
Okay, back to Thanksgiving dinner. I am trying to think of a good recipe that isn't traditional for Friday. On Thanksgiving day we spend it with my entire family. We come home and relax and then on Friday we wake up at the crack of dawn... ugh, and shop. (I might skip it this year) and then we prepare for our own immediate family Thanksgiving. The whole point of this is the leftovers. When you go to someone else's house, you don't have a ton of yummy leftovers. So my family started this tradition many years ago so that we would have our own leftovers.
If anyone has a good recipe for a side dish or dessert let me know... I may want to steal it!

1 comment:

Becky said...

That's a pretty good 'problem' to have (running out of space due to growth)...but I know the feeling of not getting a morsel at such dinners. We once stood in line in our small church for a half hour for the dinner (held the Sunday before Thanksgiving), and by the time we got up there, all that was left was cold green bean casserole and some cranberry sauce. I felt so...left out, lol. We ended up going to McDonalds.