Monday, July 30, 2007

Exciting Happenings

Mark 16:15 - And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

What an awesome weekend we had!
We have a visiting Evangelist, Bro. Shane Golden from Eva, Alabama, with us for the next few weeks and he has been talking to us and training on how to treat and reach people.

On Saturday we went out in groups for one hour and met some of the people in the community. My target place was... Target. I got four people to talk to me and discuss a simple 8 question survey and then asked them if they were interested in a 40 minute bible study. It was difficult at first, but after the shyness wore off, I was on a roll!

I got three people to say yes to a bible study! When the group of 60 people returned from their areas, we had over 115 bible studies! How awesome is that?

I was born and raised in Pentecost and never have I heard of this in our area! Exciting things are happening and I can't wait to see what God is going to do in Orange County!

Friday, July 20, 2007

A Little Surgery

We have less than three more weeks to tease mom that she has something wrong with her head... hahaha

She will be going in on August 9th to remove the tumor. It is about the size of a golf ball and functioning as her pituitary gland which controls the hormones. Funny thing is, mom does not have one side effect and the Doctors are baffled.

She has had two MRI's and several appointments with specialist. Her Surgeon wants it out but is leaving it up to her since there is a risk. I am sure she will be glad when it's all over.

She will be in surgery all day and then in the hospital for three days to recover. It will be about 4 weeks until she is able to attempt being normal. She will come out with less in and on her head. Were hoping that they leave some of her hair.

As for the family, we are scared, well I am =). I sometimes find myself scared and panicked and then sometimes the peace of God is so strong that I can't remember why I was scared in the first place. We have put her in God's hands... yet it is scary. Sometimes His way is not the way we want it to go.

One thing I know is that He has never failed me. Not in twenty-four years. And He never will. No matter what happens.

My Little Friend

I have this little friend, Charity is her name.

She is the sweetest little thing and has me wrapped around her finger! Like any other two year-old she sometimes has her "bad" moments and trying to be stern with her in class is pointless. She'll look at me with those big blue eyes and you can just see how sorry she is.

I took these pictures of her at our annual memorial picnic and I wanted to share them with you all.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Good News!

We had a big day for serious Doctor appointments in our family today. My dad went in for a test where they put him out and put a camera down through his mouth to check things out in the stomach.

His test went fine, he is now walking around with a Canon camera in him that will have to come out... shortly. LOL Don't make me get graphic!

Mom had her second appointment with the brain surgeon today. The tumor has not changed in size. She was given two options, wait and get checked every three months with MRI's every six months and see if there are any changes or remove it within a months time. The surgery is risky since the tumor is wrapped around her main artery in her head. Waiting is also a small risk since the tumor is pushing on her optic nerve... So she will be making a decision soon.

This is good news... Now we know whats happening and we have some answers.
God know what's happening in that head of hers! =)

Thursday, July 12, 2007

No More Spankings In Heaven

We had a Luau tonight in KidzNet. All kids from 2-13 were together. We decorated the room in Luau style and prepared a puppet show.
During the lesson, Cathy asked the kids what they wanted in heaven. One little boy said he wanted a PlayStation II. LOL

My sister-in-laws nephew, Elijah, is three years old and the cutest brat! haha yes, he is a huge brat, but so cute! He is very scared of the dark and did not like it when the puppet show was on and lights were out. He kept trying to convince himself that the puppets were not monsters.

Cathy was telling the kids what would not be in heaven... No more boo boo's, no more being scared. Elijah kept trying to get her attention to let her know there would be no more spankings in Heaven! How true it is, no more spankings in heaven! Only he would think of this!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Charlie is Out There

Recently my Pastor has been talking about reaching those that do not know God. The time is now, the harvest is ripe, we just have to get out there.

In today's world, there are so many different religions and so many people have the "truth". So many are trying to "sell" this truth at all cost. How many times has someone knocked on your door and gave you a bible study on your front porch? It seems that our neighborhood has been assigned the Mormon religion. They are such nice people, but trained so well. I remember growing up across the street from a Mormon family, the Johnson's, and their daughter was my best friend. Our mothers would but heads at times on our beliefs, probably due to my weekly bible studies at their house LOL! Just kidding, I wasn't that bad. Anyway, they are a very hospitable people. When I was eighteen, these two Mormon girls knocked on our door and continued to come back. We befriended them, went out to eat, bowling, hung out and had a bible study. They would sit and hear our beliefs and we would do the same for them. One thing I learned is that they are not a lazy people. They may not have the truth, but they are doing something with what they do have... What more could we do? We have this truth and were just sitting on it!

My sister is head of the children's department at our church and we've been talking to to them about being the light of the world - Matthew 5:16 to be exact. I figured that we better teach by example...

This morning we decided to pass out a few fliers in the church neighborhood and let the families know that we were in the area and we had a ton of fun stuff for their kids to do.

I knocked on this one door and it was answered by a hefty little man, his name was Charlie he told me that he was eleven years old. After talking to him and inviting him to my class, I felt overwhelmed with emotion and my heart just ached. I walked down the walkway and thought of all the other kids, home alone, living day to day, not knowing, that there was so much more out there. Someone that loved them more then their mom and dad, more than grandma and grandpa. I wanted to knock on every door I saw and let them know about Jesus.

We are so isolated in our own little worlds and don't realized we have a commission. Not to preach and teach a bible study to those stuck on their porches wanting to get back in the house and bolt the door, but to show them in the way we live that there is something special about us, something that they can have too... There are so many more Charlies out there...

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

God Bless America - 07.04.07

We have so much to be thankful for as Americans! A lot of things in the USA are falling apart but there is still so much to be thankful for...
  1. Freedom to serve God
  2. Work available

  3. God-fearing President

These are just a few. On this day I wish to say God Bless America, the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Below are some pictures from our kids group. The department adopted a unit stationed in Iraq. Our kids signed a flag and sent it on to the station.